On 8/9/2014 2:14 PM, Fabien wrote:
On 09.08.2014 19:29, Terry Reedy wrote:
If possible, functions should *return* their results, or yield their
results in chunks (as generators). Let the driver function decide where
to put results.  Aside from separating concerns, this makes testing much

I see. But then this is also true for parameters, right? And yet we
return to my original question ;-)

Let's say my configfile looks like this:

### app/config.cfg
# General params
output_dir = '..'
input_file = '..'

# Func 1 params
     enable = True
     threshold = 0.1
     maxite = 1

And I have a myconfig module which looks like:

### app/myconfig.py

import ConfigObj

parser = obj() # parser will be instanciated by initialize

Try parser = object() to actually run, but the line is not needed. Instead put "parser: instantiated by initialize" in the docstring.

def initialize(cfgfile=None):
    global parser
    parser = ConfigObj(cfgfile, file_error=True)

My main program could look like this:

### app/mainprogram_1.py

import myconfig

def func1():
     # the params are in the cfg
     threshold = myconfig.parser['func1'].as_float('threshold')
     maxite = myconfig.parser['func1'].as_long('maxite')

     # dummy operations
     score = 100.
     ite = 1
     while (score > threshold) and (ite < maxite):
         score /= 10
         ite += 1

     # dummy return
     return score

def main():

     if myconfig.parser['func1'].as_bool('enable'):
         results = func1()

if __name__ == '__main__':

The advantage of TDD is that it forces one to make code testable as you do. Old code may not be designed to be so easily testable, as I have learned trying to add tests to idlelib. For the above, I would consider

def func1_algo(threshhold, maxite):  # possible separte file
    score = 100.
    ite = 1
    while (score > threshold) and (ite < maxite):
        score /= 10
        ite += 1
    return score

def func1():  # interface wrapper
    threshold = myconfig.parser['func1'].as_float('threshold')
    maxite = myconfig.parser['func1'].as_long('maxite')
    return func1_algo(threshhold, maxite)

This is a slight bit of extra work, but now you can separately test (and modify) the algorithm and the interfacing. Testing the algorithm is easy, which encourages testing multiple i/o pairs.

for in, out in iopairs:
  assert func1_algo(in) == out  # or self.assertEqual, or ...

(or close enough for float outputs)

As for the interfacing: you can write and read multiple versions of config.cfg (relatively slow), use something like unittest.mock to mock the myconfig module, or write something fairly simple (py3 code).

class Entry(dict):
    def as_bool(self, name):
        s = self[name]
        return True if s == 'True' else False if s == 'False' else None
    def as_int(self, name):
        return int(self[name])
    as_long = as_int
    def as_float(self, name):
        return float(self[name])

class Config(object):
    def initialize(self, argv):
myconfig = Config()  # a module is like a singleton class
myconfig.initialize('a')  # test that does not raise

# In use for testing, uncomment the following two lines
# import mainprogram_1.py as mp1
# mp1.myconfig = myconfig

f1_cfg = Entry({
    'enable': 'True',
    'threshold': '0.1',
    'maxite': '1',
myconfig.parser = {'func1': f1_cfg}

print(myconfig.parser['func1'].as_float('threshold') == 0.1)
print(myconfig.parser['func1'].as_long('maxite') == 1)
print(myconfig.parser['func1'].as_bool('enable') == True)

f1_cfg['maxite'] = 5
print(myconfig.parser['func1'].as_int('maxite') == 5)
# prints True 4 times

Notice that you inject the mock myconfig into the tested module just one. After that, you can change anything within parser or replace parser with a new dict.

Or like this:

### app/mainprogram_2.py

import myconfig

def func1(threshold=None, maxite=None):

These should not have defaults; avoid extra work!

     # dummy operations
     score = 100.
     ite = 1
     while (score > threshold) and (ite < maxite):
         score /= 10
         ite += 1

     # dummy return
     return score

def main():

     if myconfig.parser['func1'].as_bool('enable'):
         # the params are in the cfg
         threshold = myconfig.parser['func1'].as_float('threshold')
         maxite = myconfig.parser['func1'].as_long('maxite')
         results = func1(threshold=threshold, maxite=maxite)

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this case, program2 is easier to test/understand, but if the
parameters become numerous it could be a pain...

This is equivalent to what i wrote except for putting the wrapper inline in main(). Testing is the same for either.

Terry Jan Reedy


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