On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 10:39 PM, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
>> (Idea, for anyone who runs a sandbox like that: Enumerate all packages
>> and modules in the stdlib, and create a little stub for each of them.
>> "import blahblah" will still produce ImportError, but "import
>> datetime" could report back "This interpreter is working with a small
>> subset of the Python standard library" rather than leaving us
>> wondering if there was some weird copy/paste error in the import line.
>> And yes, I did test for that.)
> All nice and dandy, but the site seems to use a Python implementation
> entirely written in javascript:
> http://www.skulpt.org/
> It's not a sandbox on the server, the code runs in your browser.

It still has to be cut down, at least as regards modules implemented in C.

ImportError: No module named decimal on line 1

So, same applies. Adding a bunch of stubs like "decimal.py" to say
"This has a subset of the Python standard library and does not provide
the decimal module" would be useful.

As that one seems to be hosted on github, I'll drop a tracker issue
down there with the suggestion.


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