On 2014.08.03 23:14, Glenn Linderman wrote:
> Having read a bit about ConEmu, it seems that it is a "pretty face" built on
> top of Windows Console, by screen scraping the real (but hidden) Windows
> Console, and providing a number of interesting display features and modes. So
> while it adds functionality to the Windows Console interface, it doesn't seem
> like it is likely to fix bugs or resolve issues with code pages, font
> selection, or Unicode character repertoires, which are the issues of this
> thread and the bug I referenced earlier.
> Can anyone with ConEmu installed refute this interpretation of its
> functionality?
If you run cmd in it, you will still need to use cp65001. This is not necessary
for (or applicable to) other applications (such as a Python interpreter) run
directly. ConEmu can use any arbitrary font available on the system. As I have
said, I have been able to display Unicode output on it from an application
written in Python. No mojibake, no replacement characters, just the exact
characters one would expect.
I do not know the internals of ConEmu and how it interacts with conhost and
whatever else, but I have not found a need to since it has just worked for me.