> I am using an easygui(http://www.ferg.org/easygui/index.html) dialog
> (enterbox) to retrieve some info from a user. The program then goes on
> and does a bit of processing, sometimes for several minutes. In the
> meantime, the dialog stays there, dead but visible. I would prefer that
> either another dialog ("Processing....") would be shown while
> background stuff happens, or that the current dialog would simply
> disappear. Ideas?

I know I'm going to get flamed for this... but, perhaps, 
would side-step the problem altogether.

Essentially, you describe your layout in XML syntax, feed it through
Bash shell, and it will display GTK+2 widgets.  When user clicks or
types, data will be stored in shell variable or specified shell command
will be executed.  That's all.

In order to call it from Python, you'd have to use os.system(), and
store the shell variable to file or print it out to stdout.  Then, you
can read it back from Python.  In fact, you can feed the input data
directly from Python to shell.

William Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Toronto, Canada
ThinFlash: Linux thin-client on USB key (flash) drive
BashDiff: Super Bash shell

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