On 2014-08-01 18:16, Dietmar Schwertberger wrote:
Am 01.08.2014 13:10, schrieb Wolfgang Keller:
Because on such operating systems, each and every application is an
entirely self-contained package that doesn't need any "packages" or
"installers" to use it.
For people who have never used such a system it's probably difficult to see
the advantages.
Besides the easy installation, backup and replication of software the
way also had the advantage that you were able to organize your
applications in folders just like other folders and files.
There was no need for separate File and Program managers.
MS never got this right. Instead, they tried to fix things later with the
start menu and finally the box to type the software name to start it ...
One effect was that under DOS/Windows people usually saved their
documents in folders per application whereas under RISC OS they
were usually grouped by content/project.
When it came to usability, RISC OS had many advantages over the
other systems, e.g.
- real drag'n'drop for loading *and* saving of files/selections
- drag'n'drop also for transfer between applications
- a standard vector graphics format that all applications supported
(and for which an application was provided by default with the OS)
- good font display (still better than e.g. MS Windows today)
- three mouse buttons for select/menu/adjust
- no menu bars
- the icon bar for running applications, drives, shares and other
- consistent, orthogonal & logical user interfaces instead of assistants
and wizards for each and every task
- complete programmers reference manual
I'd heard people say how user-friendly Apple Macs were, but when I got
to use one I was somewhat disappointed.
When opening files, it used old-fashioned dialog boxes like RISC OS's
precursor from several years earlier. In RISC OS, if I had a directory
window open, I could save to it with a simple drag-and-drop, but in
MacOS, even if I had a directory window open, I had to navigate to the
directory in the Save dialog. (OK, not quite true, because of a
3rd-party extension called "Click There It Is".)
And don't mention the menu bar across the top, separated from the
window to which it belonged.
Or the way that clicking on any window of an application or the Finder
brought not only it but also all of the its siblings to the front. On
RISC OS, windows came to the front only when *I* wanted them to.