On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 4:24 AM, Dilu Sasidharan <dilu.se...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am wondering why the dictionary in python not returning multi value key
> error when i define something like
> p = {'k':"value0",'k':"value1"}
> key is string immutable and sometimes shares same id.
> also if the key is immutable and have different ids.
> like
> p = {'1':"value0",'1.0':"value1"}

If you want a dict that refuses to overwrite a key-value pair, you
could create one starting from
.  It's not an unreasonable behavior that you're looking for, but
neither is the actual behavior.

For 1 and 1.0 - they simply hash differently.  Dictionaries are
resizeable hash tables.

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