On 07/24/2014 12:51 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 4:33 AM, Zachary Ware
> <zachary.ware+pyl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On other platforms, it also is not 100%
>>> native.
>> On Windows, at least, ttk comes very very close to it.
> What exactly does that mean? The Windows default UI changed
> significantly from W2K -> XP -> Win8, and each time, it's possible to
> revert to the old styling; does ttk follow the rest of the OS in that?
> And if so, does it achieve that by restricting you to a vicious subset
> of functionality that can actually be implemented natively, or does it
> try to reimplement as appropriate?
ttk, like Qt, uses the MS theming dll to do the widget drawing (buttons,
check boxes, etc).  So everything looks native.

As for actually being native, well, that means less and less every
passing year.  Windows applications use a plethora of GUI toolkits these
days.  In the old days everyone used what Win32 provided.  Then MS
started doing their own widgets in MS Office because the native ones are
a subset of desired functionality modern apps demands.  That opened the
flood gates.

So now many programs draw and control their own widgets.  It has led to
a certain amount of inconsistency, perhaps worse than we have in Linux.
 And some apps don't even bother with trying to look native anymore,
like a lot of antivirus, antimalware, and system optimization programs
(such as Advanced System Care).

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