On Sunday, July 20, 2014 4:40:59 PM UTC-5, Irmen de Jong wrote:
> On 20-7-2014 23:14, Rick Johnson wrote:
> > And since IDLE is not a "tabbed editor", only *1*
> > document is going to be displayed at a time.
> False. Idle opens any number of documents at the same time
> just fine (in different windows - rather than tabs).

Yes, your statement is true, and here are a few facts about
the IDLE interface that support your statement:

  1. IDLE allows the "spawning" of an unlimited number of
  "IDLE editor windows", which each "editor window" acting
  as a (potential) container for a document -- which
  "loosely" emulates (albeit in a discombobulated manner) a
  "tabbed editor".

  2. IDLE also allows one *OPTIONAL* instance of the "IDLE
  shell window" to exist.

> While I don't see the use case for the possibility of
> having multiple file dialogs open at the same time, it
> doesn't really hurt either does it?

Actually yes, it does, for the reasons i explained in my OP:

Filedialogs should be "truly modal", and like any modal
dialog, should present themselves to the user utilizing
blocking -- that is the whole point of "modal dialogs", to
*BLOCK* further execution of the application *UNTIL* the
user provides (generally speaking) an "answer" to a

In order to facilitate *SMOOTH* interfacing between the user
and the modal dialog, the "contract of modal dialogs" must
be strictly obeyed:

  When presented with a modal dialog, a user is given only
  two choices -- he must *interact* with the dialog, or he
  must cancel the dialog. During the time which the dialog
  is displayed, all attempts by the user to unfocus,
  minimize, or otherwise exit the dialog will not be allowed
  -- except via the *explicitly* defined interaction
  mechanisms of the dialog itself, for instance, via "okay"
  and "cancel" buttons.

So, even if IDLE does allow multiple "editor windows" to
exists concurrently, allowing multiple filedialogs to exist
concurrently is not only un-useful, it is downright
confusing. GUI programming has been around for decades, so
there is no excuse for us not creating smooth interactions
between a user and his modal dialogs.

> Not sure what you mean. What's the "shortcut pane"? I do
> notice that my Idle from Python 3.4.1 does indeed not use
> a native file dialog, it has a weird icon bar at the left
> side (win xp era layout?)

Yes, that is the legacy "shortcut bar" i'm referring to!
Before upgrading, IDLE was utilizing the more updated
version of windows explorer that includes quite a few
personalized shortcuts.


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