"rbt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 12:27 -0600, Steven Bethard wrote:
> > Hayri ERDENER wrote:
> > > what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
> >
> > Download the goto module:
> >      http://www.entrian.com/goto/
> > And you can use goto to your heart's content. And to the horror of all
> > your friends/coworkers. ;)
> >
> > STeVe
> Shouldn't that be "to the horror of all your goto-snob friends."
> IMO, most of the people who deride goto do so because they heard or read
> where someone else did.
> Many of the world's most profitable software companies (MS for example)
> have thousands of goto statements in their code... oh the horror of it
> all. Why aren't these enlightened-by-the-gods know-it-alls as profitable
> as these obviously ignorant companies?

It should not really come as a shock that the same fellow who came up with a 
brilliant efficient way
to generate all permutations (http://tinyurl.com/dnazs) is also in favor of 

Coming next from rbt: "Pointer arithmetic in python ?".



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