On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 3:33 AM, Niklas Troedsson
<niklastroeds...@yahoo.com.dmarc.invalid> wrote:
> I am new to the forum and programming Python.
> Recently I updated both Canopy and its packages, I am now using Canopy
> and sympy 0.7.5-1.

This is a general Python list, not Canopy or Sympy specific. If you
don't get a useful response here, you may want to try looking for
their mailing lists; Canopy appears to be (sorry, I'm not familiar
with it) an Enthought package, so you could ask Enthought for support;
and Sympy doubtless has its own lists, which you could find with a
Google search. I suspect that what you're asking about may be
sufficiently specialized that you'll get better responses there.

But you might get a response here. Never know! We do have some pretty
awesome experts on python-list.


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