Chris Angelico wrote:

Why *should* all NaNs be equal to each other? You said on the other
list that NaN==NaN was equivalent to (2+2)==(1+3), but that assumes
that NaN is a single "thing".

I don't actually care if all NaN bitpatterns are in the same equivalence group or if each bitpattern is its own equivalence group. I just want the == equivalence relation to be sound.

For hash keys, float object identity will successfully look them up:

Except you can't expect to rely on object identity in most interesting cases.

>>> x = float('nan')
>>> import struct
>>> y = struct.unpack('<f', struct.pack('<f', x))[0]
>>> d[x] = "found"
>>> d[y]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: nan

and also:

>>> def f(): return float('inf')/float('inf')
>>> f() == f()
>>> f() is f()

But any time you compare floats for equality, you *already* have to
understand what you're doing (because of rounding and such), so I
don't see why the special case on NaN is significant, unless as
mentioned above, you want all NaNs to be equal, which doesn't make
Let me conjure up a simple example:

| class Monitor(Thread):
| def run(self):
| old = self.get_current_value()
| while not self.Terminated:
| new = self.get_current_value()
| if new != old:
| print(time.asctime(), "changed to", new)
| old = new
| time.sleep(1)

This is a completely generic change detection algorithm, and not a "floating-point algorithm" in any way: It will work on strings, lists, sets, anything that get_current_value returns, including non-NaN floats. You don't need to know anything about floating-point representation to write or use such an algorithm, why should you? It works on tuples, sets, lists, serial port handles, module objects, pretty much anything you can imagine -- except NaN floats.

regards, Anders


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