Michael Ströder wrote:
> Peter Hansen wrote:
>>>>>''.join(chr(c) for c in range(65, 91))
> Wouldn't this be a candidate for making the Python language stricter?
> Do you remember old Python versions treating l.append(n1,n2) the same
> way like l.append((n1,n2)). I'm glad this is forbidden now.

That wasn't a syntax issue; it was an API issue. list.append() allowed 
multiple arguments and interpreted them as if they were a single tuple. 
That was confusing and unnecessary.

Allowing generator expressions to forgo extra parentheses where they 
aren't required is something different, and in my opinion, a good thing.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter


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