Coworker takes PEP8 as gospel and uses 4 spaces
to indent.  I prefer tabs.  Boss want's us to
unify.  The sole thing you get with spaces as
far as I can tell, is that someone loading the
code into Notepad will still see a 4 character
indent.  That may be true, but that same person
is going to have a difficult time editing the

Anyway, I gave up the 80 char line length long
ago, having little feeling for some dolt on
a Weiss terminal that for some reason needs to
edit my code.  I feel rather the same about the
spaces and tabs, given that most people seem to
be using editors these days that are configurable
to show tabs a four characters.

Any evidence out there that this part of PEP8 is becoming
more optional or even obsolete, as I've heard others
say about the 80 char line length?

Just need ammo for when the hammer of code
unification comes down.



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