Thanks for the input. The main thing was that the replacement fields were only
valid for their local environment.
On 29 Jun 2014, Terry Reedy <> wrote:
>On 6/29/2014 3:06 AM, Martin S wrote:
>A couple of additional notes:
>> x=int(input('Enter an integer '))
>> y=int(input('Enter another integer '))
>> z=int(input('Enter a third integer '))
>> formatStr='Integer {0}, {1}, {2}, and the sum is {3}.'
>When the replacement fields and arguments are in the same order, the
>indexes are optional. The following works, and might be less confusing.
>formatStr = 'Integer {}, {}, {}, and the sum is {}.'
>> equations=formatStr.format(x,y,z,x+y+z)
>We no longer have a space shortage ;-). The following is easier to
>equations = formatStr.format(x, y, z, x+y+z)
>> print(equations)
>Compute quotient and remainder with the divmod function.
>q, r = divmod(x, y)
>Both are computed at once and x // y and x % y just toss the other
>answer. x // y == divmod(x, y)[0], x % y == divmod(x, y)[1]
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