On 06/06/2014 12:28 AM, Travis Griggs wrote:
>> On Jun 5, 2014, at 1:14, Alain Ketterlin
>> <al...@dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr> wrote:
>> Swift's memory management is similar to python's (ref. counting).
>> Which makes me think that a subset of python with the same type
>> safety would be an instant success.
> Except that while you don't need to regularly worry about cycles in
> python, you do in swift. Which means you get to think constantly
> about direct and indirect cycles, figure out where to put weak stuff,
> when to use a local to keep a weak property alive until it finds it's
> strong home, etc.

Swift's reference counting seems to be fairly close to Objective C's,
which makes sense since the classes can be used directly in Swift.
Seems to me that Swift is just Objective C with some syntactic sugar and
a nicer syntax. That's why I said it was a little odd to be comparing
Swift to Python, or at least to be claiming Apple should have made
Python it's core language.

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