Dnia Mon, 18 Jul 2005 09:26:10 -0300, Admin napisaƂ(a):

> On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 08:45:22 -0300, JZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Much more stable and much faster is e.g. Mygty (http://myghty.org) It is
>> about 2x faster then CherryPy. Also faster than CherryPy is Webware and
>> SkunkWeb. I did not check how fast is Django... It is fresh framework for
>> open source community.
> Mmmh... I really don't know which one is better :(

Django has similar aproach to Rails or Subway. Myghty is similar to
Perl::Mason. I think those two are the most matured and powerfull. (I do
not mean Zope and Plone which is specific to its own category)


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