Duncan Booth <duncan.booth@invalid.invalid> wrote:

> Sameer Rathoud <sameer.rath...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 5:16:41 PM UTC+5:30, Greg Schroeder wrote:
>>> > > Please suggest, if we have any free ide for python development.
>>> Anything that writes text is fine.
>>> I recommend the standard text editor for your OS (Notepad if you use
>>> Windows, Textedit on Mac, whatever is on your GNU/Linux distro by
>>> default) unless you know exactly what you don't like about it.
>>> Greg
>> Right now I am looking for ide on windows 7 platform.
>> Actually, I shouldn't say this, But I am bit use to intellisense and
>> on go warnings and error and my text editor (Notepad) doesn't provide
>> me that feature  . 
> If you are used to Visual Studio then you could try PTVS. I have no 
> experience of it, but http://pytools.codeplex.com/
>> PTVS is a free, open source plugin that turns Visual Studio into a
>> Python IDE. 
>> PTVS supports CPython, IronPython, editing, browsing, Intellisense,
>> mixed Python/C++ debugging, remote linux/MacOS debugging, profiling,
>> IPython, Django, and cloud computing with client libraries for
>> Windows, Linux and MacOS.  
>> Designed, developed, and supported by Microsoft and the community.
I'm just watching the video from that page. It is impressive just how much 
of intellisense they have working with PTVS: for example inside a function 
doing 'find all references' on a local variable that happens to be a method 
passed in to the function shows you all def lines for methods that are 
passed as parameters. There's a heck of a lot of type inferencing going on.

Duncan Booth

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