Hi Roy.
On 24.5.2014. 1:57, Roy Smith wrote:
You need 19 projects to transition to Python 3.
Of those 19 projects, 17 have no direct dependencies blocking their
That's a big list. A few of those we could probably work around or
replace with a different module without too much pain. But, between
gevent, boto, fabric, and suds, any idea of migrating is a total
non-starter for us. I imagine they're all working on ports, but I'll
check back in a year and see how things stand.
FYI, the suds-jurko fork works on Python 3. And since I'm not aware
of any other actively maintained fork, should I find more free time in
the future I might rename it to suds and try to convert it to a formal
successor to suds.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić