On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 12:32 AM, Dave Angel <da...@davea.name> wrote:
> I don't think there's any question of dumbhood,  but the answer
>  should be found in the formal grammar document.

Yeah, I figured it'd be an issue of the grammar. It expects 1 to mean
an integer, not a name - which in most contexts is correct (you can't
go "1 = 2" because 1 isn't a name). In some contexts you can force a
different interpretation, so for instance you can look at attributes
of an integer literal as (1).real even though 1.real is an error; but
I couldn't find a way to fiddle this one. And the only way I could
find to pass a string was to use __import__(). So is that the only

Same thing would happen, I guess, if you have dots in the file name. A
file called "foo.bar.py" probably can't be imported.


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