On 5/10/14 8:42 AM, Roy Smith wrote:
Ars Technica article a couple of days ago, about Fortran, and what is
likely to replace it:


uhm, yeeah!

'Julia' is going to give everyone a not so small run for competition; justifiably so, not just against FORTRAN.

Julia is Matlab and R, Python, Lisp, Scheme; all rolled together on steroids. Its amazing as a dynamic language, and its fast, like lightning fast as well as multiprocessing (parallel processing) at its core. Its astounding, really.

Its number concept is unified, BigFloats are by default arbitrary precision with full scientific and transcendental functions built-in, everything complex just works, and did I mention its fast? The bench-marks are within 2x of C across the boards; makes Matlab look like a rock, and is well ahead of python (NumPy SciPy) for technical computing.

Julia is still very much beta in my opinion but its maturing fast. Its open free (libre) and cross platform and did I mention it flatout screams? Not only will it replace FORTRAN completely if things keep progressing, but also Matlab, Mathematica, NumPy, & SciPy (and others). Keep your eye on her fellows.


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