Ben Finney <>:

> Marko Rauhamaa <> writes:
>> I don't think flogging the beginner for talking about variables helps
>> them get Python's data model. All that accomplishes is that they will
>> shut up about variables in the fear of being flogged and not
>> understand the data model any better.
> Who does that? I haven't seen anyone raising this topic with a
> beginner in a hostile manner (“flogging”? why the hyperbole?), and
> it's certainly not characteristic of how the topic is raised here.
Flogging, spanking, admonishing, whatever.

> I don't know what your point is, but please don't prop up straw men to
> make it.

Does that count as admonishing, at least?

Point being, shunning the term "variable" is counterproductive. Python
variables are nothing special and calling them "variables" doesn't
mislead anybody.


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