Hi Jason,

On 7.5.2014. 15:52, Jason Mellone wrote:
So, is the answer:

1 - Until the patch is applied there is no answer


2 - I can go in and manually modify the code, and have the ez setup work?

I see the patch has just been applied to the setuptools development repo, so the bug will be fixed in the next setuptools release, which seems imminent, judging from the latest setuptools commits. Related commits (see them at https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/commits/all) are on a branch containing the c95540cfeaec64251e78add403513a4f30700319 commit from 2014-04-15.

But, if you need to fix your problem sooner, you can always do one of the following:

1. Not run ez_setup.py if setuptools is already installed and instead just run 'easy_install -U setuptools' to perform the upgrade. (I think that avoids the problem at hand, but I don't recall all the details so I could be mistaken.) 2. Manually remove setuptools before running ez_setup.py (either by removing the setuptools egg from your site-packages folder or perhaps by running 'pip uninstall setuptools'). 3. Checkout the development version of setuptools and install from there or prepare your own private setuptools package based on the current development tip.

  So you should be able to get your scenario to work, whatever it is.

  Hope this helps.

  Best regards,
    Jurko Gospodnetić

I guess you're using google groups. I really hate the double spacing that leaves in your quotes and thus makes me scroll a lot and waste a lot of time trying to parse your message. Please try to use a different newsgroup client, e.g. Thunderbird. Many thanks.


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