On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 8:37 AM,  <ch...@freeranger.com> wrote:
> I'm using a dispatch method to receive and occasionally send data through a 
> serial port on a Raspberry Pi.  I think the dispatch method is essentially a 
> threaded approach, right?
> Now to receive serial data and send via socket, then occasionally receive 
> some socket based input and send out on the same serial port.  It's combining 
> the client and server socket code into a single app (so I can have a single 
> connection to the serial port) that has me confused.  I don't see any 
> discussion of that anywhere.

Threads would be easy. As I understand it, you have two bidirectional
connections, and you're simply linking them? Sounds like a very simple
proxy/tunnel. You don't need to multiplex, so all you need is two
threads: one reading from the socket and writing to the serial port,
and one reading from the serial port and writing to the socket. The
code would look something like this:

serial_port = open(...)
tcp_socket = socket.create_connection(...)
# initialize them both, do whatever setup is needed

def socket_to_serial():
    while True:
        data = tcp_socket.recv(4096)


while True:
    data = serial_port.read(4096)

Two simple loops, running concurrently. Pretty straight-forward as
threads. Both of them will fall idle in their read/recv calls, so
threading works very nicely here.


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