On 5/1/14 10:34 AM, s71murfy wrote:

I am trying to run the simple helloworld script from the IDLE shell. I want to 
pass it arguments. Please can you give me the syntax to do it?

There are several ways to do this, depending on your preferences and goals. Is the helloworld script the tk version? In which case have the script put up input dialog boxes...

The python docs pages are very clear about input parameter i/o and may give you some help, if you're building a script that you want to launch from a terminal, or startup...

What I do with my IDLE scripts is embed to embed a Main function (or call it Hello(). So, I import hello, then call hello.Main(parms). or, hello.Hello(parms)


====file hello.py===

def Hello(parms list):


From IDLE:

import hello

hello.Hello([1, 2, 3, 4])



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