On 4/30/2014 7:46 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

It also works if your starting point is (precisely) the north pole.  I
believe that's the canonical answer to the riddle, since there are no
bears in Antarctica.

For the most part, there are no bears within a mile of the North Pole either. "they are rare north of 88°" (ie, 140 miles from pole).
They mostly hunt in or near open water, near the coastlines.

I find it amusing that someone noticed and posted an alternate, non-canonical solution. How might a bear be near the south pole? As long as we are being creative, suppose some jokester mounts a near life-size stuffed black bear, made of cold-tolerant artificial materials, near but not at the South Pole. The intent is to give fright to naive newcomers. Someone walking in a radius 1/2pi circle about the pole might easily see it.

Terry Jan Reedy


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