On 23/04/2014 21:57, tim.thel...@gmail.com wrote:
I am currently writting a program called subuser(subuser.org), which is written
as classically imperative code. Subuser is, essentially, a package manager.
It installs and updates programs from repositories.
I have a set of source files
which have functions in them. Each function does something to a program, it
identifies the program by the programs name. For example, I have an
installProgram function defined as such:
def installProgram(programName, useCache):
Now I've run into a flaw in this model. There are certain situations where a "programName" is not a unique identifier.
It is possible for two repositories to each have a program with the same name. Obviously, I could go through my code and replace
all use of the string "programName" with a tuple of (programName, repository). Or I could define a new class with two
attributes: programName and repository, and pass such a simple object arround, or pass a dictionary. However, I think this would
be better solved by moving fully to an OOP model. That is, I would have a SubuserProgram class which had methods such as
"install", "describe", "isInstalled"...
There is one problem though. Currently, I have these functions logically organized
into source files, each between 40 and 170 LOC. I fear that if I were to put all of
these functions into one class, than I would have a single, very large source file.
I don't like working with large source files for practicall reasons. If I am to
define the class SubuserProgram in the file SubuserProgram.py, I do not want all
of run.py to be moved into that file as well.
I thought about keeping each method in a separate file, much as I do now,
something like:
def a(self):
def b(self):
import FileA, FileB
class C:
This works, but I find that it is hard to read. When I come across FileA, and I see
"self" it just seems very confusing. I suffer a bout of "who-am-i"ism.
I asked on IRC and it was sugested that I use multiple classes, however I see
no logical way to separate a SubuserProgram object into multiple classes.
So I thought I would seek your advice.
You're writing Python, not Java, so put your code into one file and stop
messing about.
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.
Mark Lawrence
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