On Friday, April 18, 2014 10:04:17 AM UTC-7, Peter Otten wrote:
> gwhite wrote:
> > plt.title(' '.join([r'$\mathrm{poles}$', r'$(\times)$',\
> >                     r'$\mathrm{\&}$', r'$\mathrm{zeros}$',
> >                     r'$(\circ)$',  r'$\mathrm{of}$',\
> >                     r'$T(s)T(-s)$']), fontsize=16)
> Note that adjacent string literals on the same line or inside parentheses 
> are automatically concatenated by the compiler. So you may write the above 
> as
> plt.title(
>     r'$\mathrm{poles}$ $(\times)$ '
>     r'$\mathrm{\&}$ $\mathrm{zeros}$ '
>     r'$(\circ)$ $\mathrm{of}$ $T(s)T(-s)$',
>     fontsize=16)
> Even if you leave everything else as is you don't need any backslashes at 
> the end of the line.

Well even if it had been right, I omitted one (backslash). I'm such a 
newb/hack. lol.  No animals were harmed.

Yeah, I have noticed that they don't seem to be needed, but I think I remember 
reading "someplace-somewhere" that a backslash means a line continuation, and 
perhaps I saw some author put them in.  So I did it out of trying to be 

I'm not sure when a backslash continuation might be needed, or if that 
requirement has been designed out of Python.

Anyway, thanks to all for the notes!

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