On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Tobiah <t...@tobiah.org> wrote:
> On 4/10/2014 6:29 PM, Wesley wrote:
>> Hi all, Does python has any good obfuscate?
>> Currently our company wanna release one product developed by python
>> to our customer. But dont's wanna others see the py code.
>> I googled for a while but mostly just say using pyc. Any better one?
> Does that work?  If so, wouldn't that be a great solution?

No, pyc files contain Python byte code, which can easily be
disassembled -- in fact, the capacity to do this can be found in the
"dis" module of the standard library.  The result of disassembly is
not valid Python, but it is not hard to read either.  There are also
decompilers available that can go the extra step and produce actual
Python from the pyc file.

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