On 9/04/2014 5:47 AM, Rick Johnson wrote:
On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 2:07:27 AM UTC-5, James Brewer wrote:
I'm sure there will be a substantial amount of arrogance
perceived from this question, but frankly I don't think
that I have anything to learn from my co-workers, which
saddens me because I really like to learn and I know that
I have a lot of learning to do.

[Blah-blah-blah -- rambling in a feeble attempt to mask my
question as more than just infantile whining -- blah-blah-

Basically, I want to be a better engineer. Where can I
find someone willing to point me in the right direction
and what can I offer in return?
Judging from your childish optimism and bombastic
expectations that the onerous of scholastic achievements lay
solely in the prowess of your teacher, i can only conclude
that you are yet another recent graduate of one of the
"fine universities" that happily rob naive parents of their
life savings and then infect the professional world with
plagues of self-absorbed little lazy a-holes who think they
offload their workload on everyone else.

So you want to be taught eh? Maybe you should consider this
little "tidbit"...

    "When the pupil is ready, the master will appear"

And now allow me to "female dog" slap you back in to reality
about your new found "masters" -- you know, the ones you so
kindly refer to as "co-workers"...

     They are not going to help you!

     They are not going to teach you!
Heck, they may not even point you in the direction of
     the lavatory when you need to tinkle!

No, these people are your mortal enemies. They will smile to
your pimpled face and then stick a knife in your back -- not
much unlike the trolls around here!

Listen kid; working is competition, a competition to the
death, and only the stupidest of stupid person would train
their replacement!

     So what is a boy to do?

I would suggest you learn a little self reliance. Go and
read some tutorials, learn a new language, try to challenge
yourself to build something that is beyond your skill level.
Short of that you'll always be Bubba's "female dog".

Good day!

"Teach and learn twice".  I love teaching people.  It makes me better.


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