Python 2.4 Linux kernel 2.6.12 Hi,
1. How do I make the following statement to search for all Strings I input from console? for example, with the code below I need to enter %hello world% (yeah, including the % symbols) to find all entries for hello world on the tableName. But I want to set the % symbols on the code itself so I don't have to input manually the % at the prompt. searchWhat = raw_input ('Search for : ') cursor.execute('select * from tableName where contentField like %s',(searchWhat)) 2. I'm entering data by copying and pasting. Much of the text is in multiple lines and some formated sections such as paragraphs, indentations, double lines and what not. How do I enter keep the formated text intact if entering from console? Now it loses all formatting and I have to copy and paste text line by line because it won't take the multiple lines. insertEntryId = raw_input('New Entry ID: ') insertEntryContent = raw_input('New Entry Content: ') insertEntryCategory = raw_input('New Category: ') cursor.execute('insert into tableName values (%s,%s,%s)', (insertEntryId,insertEntryContent,insertEntryCategory)) Thanks, Any help is appreciate it. Mr. Frodo --