Python 2.4
Linux kernel 2.6.12


1. How do I make the following statement to search for all Strings I
input from console?

for example, with the code below I need to enter %hello world% (yeah,
including the % symbols) to find all entries for hello world on the
tableName. But I want to set the % symbols on the code itself so I don't
have to input manually the % at the prompt.

searchWhat = raw_input ('Search for : ')
cursor.execute('select * from tableName where contentField like

2. I'm entering data by copying and pasting. Much of the text is in
multiple lines and some formated sections such as paragraphs,
indentations, double lines and what not.

How do I enter keep the formated text intact if entering from console? Now
it loses all formatting and I have to copy and paste text line by line
because it won't take the multiple lines.

insertEntryId = raw_input('New Entry ID: ')
insertEntryContent = raw_input('New Entry Content: ')
insertEntryCategory = raw_input('New Category: ')

cursor.execute('insert into tableName values (%s,%s,%s)',

Thanks, Any help is appreciate it.

Mr. Frodo


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