On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 12:16 AM, Marko Rauhamaa <ma...@pacujo.net> wrote:
> I implemented the loops in the scheme way. Recursion is how iteration is
> done by the Believers. Traditional looping structures are available to
> scheme, but if you felt the need for them, you might as well program in
> Python.

Then I'm happily a pagan who uses while loops instead of recursion.
Why should every loop become a named function?

      find_divisor: for ( factor = 2 ; i%factor ; factor++ )
        if ( factor == i )

Does that label add anything? If you really need to put a name to
every loop you ever write, there's something wrong with the code; some
loops' purposes should be patently obvious by their body. All you do
is add duplicate information that might be wrong.


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