On 3/31/14 12:05 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

What say you?  We all type in our own language, and everyone else gets to
read it in their own language. Its kinda like the day of Pentecost (except
that its print instead of audio).

And Pentecost required direct intervention of the all-powerful God of
the universe. Any less, and you'll run into translation difficulties.
It certainly cannot be automated; even done manually by people expert
in both the source and target languages, translation is imperfect.

Truth. Well, like I said, its a dream. And, we are finally at that point in time &space (fast computers, elegant programming languages, network, cloud apps, desire) where I think we could tackle universal translation.

On the other hand, would it be easier to simply move everyone to a neutral lingua franca? For instance, lets say, biblical Greek. In other words, the entire world learns a new (dead) language. Then, we all move forward speaking ONE language and we forget the translation thing altogether?

The reason that won't work is that everyone needs their heart language (as what it means to be human, and as what it means to be 'them'). How we speak is how we think, and feel. Its a conundrum for sure.



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