On 25/03/2014 20:21, Gregory Ewing wrote:
Roy Smith wrote:
Doors that open automatically as you approach them are now routine.
Star Trek doors seem to be a bit smarter, though.
Captain Kirk never had to stop in front of a door
and wait for it to sluggishly slide open. Also the
doors never open when you're just walking past and
not intending to go through.
Had anything gone wrong, there was always Scottie.
"What's the trouble, Scottie?".
"Main drive's gone, Captain.".
"How long will it take to fix.".
"Three days.".
"You've got 20 minutes".
"Ay ay, Captain.".
Nowadays the role of the Captain is taken by the salesman, sorry the
Account Manager, and Scottie is played by the programming team leader.
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.
Mark Lawrence
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