On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Rustom Mody <rustompm...@gmail.com
>> I don't know about the difference between {} in set theory and Python,
>> but the multiple uses of () actually boil down to two:
> In set theory {} makes sets
> In python {} makes dictionaries

That's a backward-compatibility issue. Braces in Python meant a
dictionary before it acquired a set type (at least, so I learned in
history class - I wasn't using Python back then), so empty braces have
to continue to mean empty dictionary. I sympathize with the confusion,
but short of confusing everyone terribly by changing dicts to use
something other than braces (maybe borrow Pike's mapping notation, ([
])??), I don't really see a solution.

>> 1) Grouping, which includes tuples; there's a special case whereby
>> grouping nothing makes a zero-item tuple, but everything else is just
>> the comma
>> 2) Functions (both definition and call)
>> Disambiguating them might be of some small value, but since they're
>> the same in pretty much every language under the sun, it would feel
> What 'they'?? I dont get: If you are talking of disambiguating function 
> definition and call -- yeah thats overkill

No no. Disambiguating grouping and fuction definition/call. There's no
reason to have definition and call of functions differ.

> If you are talking of overlap between tuples parentheses and function (call)
> well consider
> f(x,y) vs f((x,y)) vs (x,y) vs ((x,y))
> Paren vs tuples: why do we need to write (x,) not (x)
> All this is because () is doing triple-duty

Tuples don't use parentheses. You only confuse yourself when you
insist on that. The only case with parens that actually makes a tuple
is the special empty tuple; imagine if that were given a name instead,
like "Empty". That would solve that confusion.

There's another minorly special case, and that's that the trailing
comma is mandatory on a one-item tuple. In all others, it's optional,
but the one-item tuple would be ambiguous otherwise.

>>> len((1,2,3,))
>>> len((1,2,))
>>> len((1,))

(By the way, bringing in another discussion: The comma isn't part of
the element, nor is it exactly a separator, nor is it exactly a
terminator. Just like a newline in a text file.)

So the only ambiguity is between function calls and grouping. Tuples
are just part of grouping, in that you need to disambiguate a
one-tuple-arg function call from a multiple-arg function call - as in
the above len() calls. And that's where I think it would be highly
confusing to mandate something different. Suppose we used $( )$ for
function calls, and ^( )^ for grouping:

x = ^(1 + 2)^ * 3
y = range$(x)$

What have we gained by distinguishing them? Not a lot. If an open
parenthesis immediately follows another token, it's calling that
previous token; if it follows an operator, it's grouping. Seems pretty
simple to me.

(Cue the spate of emails pointing out something I've missed that
breaks that rule, in which case call it a rule of thumb.)


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