On 3/24/14 10:51 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
Supporting both may look tempting, but you effectively create two ways
of spelling the exact same thing; it'd be like C's trigraphs. Do you
know what ??= is,

This was a fit for me, back in the day IBM (system36 & system38). When we started supporting the C compiler (ha!) and non of our 5250 terminals could provide the C punctuation we take for granted today--- so we invented tri-graphs for { and } and others. It was a hoot.

I personally think the answer is extended key maps triggered by meta keys shift ctrl opt alt command | which call up full alternate mappings of Greek|Latin|Math|symbols &c which can be chosen by mouse|pointing device.

The mac calls these keyboard viewer, and character viewer. In that way the full unicode set can be available from a standard qwerty keyboard without modifying the hardware right away.


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