Hi Everybody

actually i want to run python on web browser. I downloaded python and installed 
but i'm not able to run it in browser but it running using command prompt. so i 
trying to install mod_wsgi 3.4. So i downloaded precompiled version 
mod_wsgi-3.4.ap22.win32-py2.6 and copied mod_wsgi.so file to 
C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\modules after i'm trying to run .\configure on 
path C:\Documents and Settings\Rahul\Desktop\mod_wsgi-3.4.ap22.win32-py2.6 but 
it giving me error that .\configure is not recognized as internal or external 

So please suggest me what can i do for that, i'm so beginner to python and 
installing and configuring modules for apache.


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