> I'm afraid it doesn't help that GoogleGroups has badly mangled the > > formatting of your code. I'm not quite sure what to suggest since it > > isn't one of the usual problems, but you might find reading > > https://wiki.python.org/moin/GoogleGroupsPython helpful. It will > > certainly help with the double-spacing in your quote above.
> Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses Yep, Many thanks for help.... Hum, i have find the solution, it was in "CallBack function" in help-doc. => #file fpgui-test.py from ctypes import* def TheProc(): fpgui.fpgFormWindowTitle(0, 'Boum') return 0 def TheProcBut0(): fpgui.fpgButtonSetText(0,0, 'Boum also') return 0 def TheProcBut1(): fpgui.fpgButtonSetText(0,1, 'Boum too') return 0 CMPFUNC = CFUNCTYPE(c_int) TheProcF = CMPFUNC(TheProc) TheProcB0 = CMPFUNC(TheProcBut0) TheProcB1 = CMPFUNC(TheProcBut1) fpgui = cdll.LoadLibrary("fpgui-32.dll") fpgui.fpgInitialize() fpgui.fpgSetStyle('Demo Style') fpgui.fpgFormCreate(0, -1) fpgui.fpgFormSetPosition(0, 300,100,400,200) fpgui.fpgFormWindowTitle(0, 'Hello world!') fpgui.fpgFormOnClick(0,TheProcF) fpgui.fpgButtonCreate(0,0,-1) ; fpgui.fpgButtonSetPosition(0,0, 15, 10 , 150 , 40) fpgui.fpgButtonSetText(0,0, 'BUTTON1') fpgui.fpgButtonOnClick(0,0,TheProcB0) fpgui.fpgButtonCreate(0,1,-1) ; fpgui.fpgButtonSetPosition(0,1, 15, 70 , 150, 40) fpgui.fpgButtonSetText(0,1, 'Clickme') fpgui.fpgButtonOnClick(0,1,TheProcB1) fpgui.fpgFormShow(0) fpgui.fpgRun() -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list