"edgrsprj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> "Hank Oredson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> "edgrsprj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> > "Hank Oredson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >> "edgrsprj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >> > "edgrsprj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> I guess my question was not specific enough.
>> What I wanted was the exact sources, so I could access the data.
>> The exact data sets you used.
> July 13, 2005
> Thanks again for the comments and interest.
>       The original report in this thread should have contained pointers to
> all of the information you are requesting.  But once again, here are some 
> of
> the important URLs.
> http://www.freewebz.com/eq-forecasting/301.html
>       That Web page contains information regarding the details of how the
> forecasting program works.  Also stored there are copies of an early
> Zipped .txt version of the Perl program I am using along with Zip file
> versions of earlier versions of the .txt format database files that I am
> using.  I had to Zip them because of their size and the limited bandwidth 
> of
> that Web site.  If you would prefer to receive them as regular text files
> then you can try contacting me by e-mail and I will try to send them 
> along.
>       Perl users who downloaded and ran that .pl program some time ago 
> said
> that they had no trouble getting it to run on a Window's XP system.  Other
> operating system users might encounter a few formatting problems etc.
> http://www.freewebz.com/eq-forecasting/90-05.html
> http://www.freewebz.com/eq-forecasting/128.html
>       Those Web pages discuss the theories involved with this forecasting
> method.  Some of the most important information is at the end of that
> 128.html Web page.

I found no equations there, nor any links to the original data sources.

> http://www.freewebz.com/eq-forecasting/Data.html
>       That Web page contains several types of forecast data along with 
> some
> information regarding how to interpret them.

Did not find any information on the source of the data.

> http://www.freewebz.com/eq-forecasting/151.html
>       That Web page contains some "Help" information with details 
> regarding
> things such as the U.S. Navy's MICA computer program which I use to 
> generate
> data for things such as the locations of the Earth, sun, and moon relative
> to the J2000 reference system.
>       You should not expect to be able to instantly absorb all of that
> information though it sounds like understanding it should not be a problem
> for you.  I have been working on the project for about 15 years.  And
> unfortunately, every improvement seems to take days, weeks, months, ...

Everything looked fairly obvious, except that there did not seem
to be any reference to the source of the datasets.

>       Additionally, as I said in my first report in this thread, the
> multiple participants part of the project is not yet operational.  For one
> thing, a suitable Web site has to be found.  Right now I am simply
> trying to determine what the interest level there might be in such a
> project.  And positive feedback that I have been getting by e-mail etc.
> has been encouraging.

Perhaps I was not clear enough in my previous posts.

I am looking for the SOURCE of the data, that is, where did
YOU get the data from, so that I may obtain my own datasets.

In particular I am interested in the EM dataset.


  ... Hank



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