On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 5:19 PM, Mark H Harris <harrismh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/16/14 12:41 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> To be quite frank, yes I do think it's a nutty idea. Like most nutty
>> things, there's a kernel of something good in it, but that's not
>> enough to build a system on :)
>    Thanks for your candor. I appreciate that too. Well, like I said, I'm
> just experimenting with the idea right now, just playing around really. In
> the process I'm coming more up-to-speed with python3.3 all the time.   :)

Good, glad you can take it the right way :) Learning is not by doing
whatever you like and being told "Oh yes, very good job" like in
kindergarten. Learning is by doing something (or proposing doing
something) and getting solid feedback. Of course, that feedback may be
wrong - your idea might be brilliant even though I believe it's a bad
one - and you need to know when to stick to your guns and drive your
idea forward through the hail of oncoming ... okay, this metaphor's
getting a bit tangled in its own limbs... okay, the meta-metaphor is
getting... alright I'm stopping now.

>> We had a discussion along these lines a little while ago, about
>> designing a DSL [1] for window creation. On one side of the debate was
>> "hey look how much cleaner the code is if I use this DSL", and on the
>> other side was "hey look how much work you don't have to do if you
>> just write code directly".
>    Was that on python-dev, or python-ideas, or here?   I'd like to read
> through it sometime.

Was here on python-list:


The thread rambled a bit, but if you like reading, there's some good
content in there. You'll see some example code from my Pike MUD
client, Gypsum, and Steven D'Aprano and I discuss it. If you'd rather
skip most of the thread and just go to the bits I'm talking about,
here's my explanation of the Pike code:


And here's Steven's take on it:


And keep reading from there. TL;DR: It's not perfect as a DSL, but
it's jolly good as something that is already there and takes no


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