Hi there. I am doing a bunch of processing over a list of lists, and am interested in doing several things taht don't seem to be working for me just at the moment.
I have a list of books with several fields (Title, Author1, Author2, Publisher, ISBN) in a csv. I have a cell.txt file that looks like this: ++ The title is %title%. <br><br> The author is %author1% %author2% <br><br> The Publisher is %publisher1% %publisher2% <br><br> The ISBN is %ISBN% <br><br> ++ I know how to do something like sAuth = re.sub('%author1%', author1, sTemplate), but I can't figure out to populate variables within python from the list of fields. The second thing I am trying to figure out is how to add a field (or populate an empty field) called filename with the value of ISBN + '.txt', though I hope this becomes pretty self evident after someone helps me with the above. The last thing that is vexing me at the moment is something I am not sure if it is possible. Once I have populated this filename field, I will want to try to do something like: for book in all_books open(r'd:\path\to\files\%filename%', 'a') some_function Where I replace %filename% with the value of the filename field for each book. Is it possible to do some sort of search and replace like that over a command within python? Or is there another way entirely different to accomplish such a task, like maybe assigning the path/filename to a variable... ? TIA! Googleboy -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list