
First ;-) I don't know Tk or plot, but from looking at your code I see you want 
to plot
a line a minute long, after that, all dots are drawn to the screen. You call

>                self.graph.addSet(x,y)

My guess is that you have to explicitly draw to the screen using same call from
graph or self? whatever Tkinter wants. Search the tkinter/tk docs for 'draw'

At 16:18 -0400 13/7/2005, Shankar Iyer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>Content-Language: en
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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>     First, I want to thank those who responded to my question about "the plot 
> module" yesterday.  I realize now that the question could have been vague.  
> There is a plot module, simply called "plot," that I am using, and I guess it 
> is not a very widely circulated plotting utility.
>    Anyway, I'm a little confused by the output that I get from the following 
> code:
>from Tkinter import *
>from tkSimpleDialog import *
>import Pmw
>import HP34401A
>import plot
>import time
>class Application(Frame):
>    def __init__(self,master=None):
>        Frame.__init__(self,master)
>        self.pack()
>        self.graph = plot.plot(self)
>        self.beginplotting()
>    def beginplotting(self):
>        x = []
>        y = []
>        i = 0
>        fLastOutput = time.time()
>        while 1:
>            fTime = time.time()
>            if((fTime-fLastOutput) >= 2):
>                i += 1
>                x.append(fTime)
>                y.append(2*fTime)
>                self.graph.addSet(x,y)
>                fLastOutput = fTime
>                if(i>=30):break
>app = Application()
>This is supposed to plot a point every two seconds.  When it actually runs, it 
>instead stores all the data points and then plots them after 30 data points 
>have been taken.  I'm fairly certain that this is not due to the use of the 
>plot class.  If I have the program instead write each time into a Tkinter Text 
>widget, the same type of thing happens.  That is, the program stores all 30 
>times in memory and then dumps them into the Text widget at the end.  Since I 
>have written the code so that it plots (or writes to the Text widget) every 
>two seconds, I am confused as to why this is happening.

Vriendelijke groet,

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