On 03/03/2014 21:10, Ben Finney wrote:
Rustom Mody <rustompm...@gmail.com> writes:
Short answer: Avoid using 'is'.
This is bad advice in a Python forum.
The ‘is’ operator is commonly used in Python, so please don't advise
against it in an unqualified “short answer”.
Long answer:
Interesting, but mostly a distraction for the querent here.
Short answer: Use ‘use’ any time you need to compare object identity.
You usually do not need to compare object identity.
That last paragraph is as clear as mud.
I'd just like to know why people are so obsessed with identities, I've
never thought to use them in 10+ years of writing Python. Do I use the
KISS principle too often?
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.
Mark Lawrence
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