Hi Folks ,

Iam newbie to Python, Iam trying to use optparse module and write a script
that will parse the command line options ..I had to use opt parse instead
of argparse because by host Operating system  is still using python 2.6

Below is the simple program  ( Feel free to correct the error ) and 3 quick
questions on the same.

/* sample Program "/

import optparse

parser = optparse.OptionParser()

parser.add_option("-p", "--path", action="store",
metavar="/ifs/<file_name>|/ifs/<dir_name>", dest="path_name",


                  help = "The  file or directory path of the object in

parser.add_option("-q", "--operation", action="store",
metavar="XOR|ADD|SET", dest="operation_type", default='SET',

                  type='choice', choices=['XOR', 'ADD', 'SET'],

                  help = "The corruption operation on the object [default :

parser.add_option("-f", "--offset", action="store", metavar="HEX",
dest="offset_value", default=0x41306141,


                  help= "The valid offset value [default : %default]" )

parser.add_option("-n", "--node", action="store",metavar="id",
dest="node_value", default= 1,


                  help = "The node id [default : %default]")

parser.add_option("-l", "--log", action="store_true",dest="log_file",

                  help = "log the isi_corrupt execution result ")

parser.add_option("-c", "--fixcrc", action="store_true",dest="fix_crc",

                  help = "The  CRC fix of the corrupted objects  ")

# instruct optparse to parse the program's command line:

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

print  options.path_name

Questions (1)

#python python-5.py --path=/ifs/1.txt --operation=XOR  --node=11 --log

>>  Looks like the dest variable stores it in a dictionary ,

 >>  print  options.path_name ( gives the option entered in the command


 I wanted to store all the options in a list like

 please suggest on the same ?


Why does  this program work only  with - option and not - in the above code

I think its not working when the type= 'choice'  or its somethimf else ?

# python-5.py -p=/ifs/1.txt -q=XOR  -f=1234 -n=1 -l

Usage: python-5.py [options]

python-5.py: error: option -q: invalid choice: '=XOR' (choose from 'XOR',


This Works ( --)

C:\Users\bahadg\Desktop>python python-5.py --path=/ifs/1.txt
--operation=XOR  --

offset=1234 --node=1 --log --fixcrc


Question (3)

 If I have really long metavar and the  help  looks very messy  ,is there a
way to make it look elegant.

Example :

 parser.add_option("-q", "--operation", action="store",
metavar="XOR|ADD|SET|MODIFY|RENAME|DELETE|KILL|", dest="operation_type",

                  type='choice', choices=['XOR', 'ADD', 'SET'

                  help = "The corruption operation on the object [default :

 #python-5.py --help

Usage: python-5.py [options]


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -p /ifs/<file_name>|/ifs/<dir_name>,

                        The  file or directory path of the object in /ifs



                        The corruption operation on the object [default :

  -f HEX, --offset=HEX  The valid offset value [default : 1093689665]

  -n id, --node=id      The node id [default : 1]

  -l, --log             log the isi_corrupt execution result

  -c, --fixcrc          The  CRC fix of the corrupted objects

Thanks is advance !!

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