----- Original Message -----
> On Sun, 23 Feb 2014 10:20:15 -0800, Pierre Quentel wrote:
> > The new home page of python.org is very nice, congratulations !
> The best I can say about it is that I'm extremely underwhelmed by the
> design, which is far more "busy" and colourful than the old design
> (this
> is not a complement), and not happy that it doesn't work correctly
> without Javascript.
Steven, you must have been the grumpy smurf in another life ;)
> > But there is a problem with the online console provided by
> > PythonAnywhere : with my azerty keyboard, I can't enter characters
> > such
> > as ) or ] - very annoying !

I have an azerty keyboard and it works just fine, your problem must be 
something else.



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