On 02/14/2014 12:08 PM, dave em wrote:

Background:  My twelve y/o son and I are still working our way through Invent 
Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition.
(We finished the Khan Academy Javascript Tutorials is the extent of our 

He is asking a question I am having trouble answering which is how a variable 
containing a value differs from a variable containing a list or more 
specifically a list reference.

I tried the to explain as best I can remember is that a variable is assigned to 
a specific memory location with a value inside of it.  Therefore, the variable 
is kind of self contained and if you change the variable, you change the value 
in that specific memory location.

However, when a variable contains a list reference, the memory location of the 
variable points to a separate memory location that stores the list.  It is also 
possible to have multiple variable that point to the memory location of the 
list reference.  And all of those variable can act upon the list reference.

Question:  Is my explanation correct?  If not please set me straight :)

And does anyone have an easier to digest explanation?

Thanks in advance,

You've got it backwards. In Python, /everything/ is a reference. The variable is just a "pointer" to the actual value. When you change a variable, you're just changing the memory location it points to.

Strings, ints, tuples, and floats behave differently because they're /immutable/. That means that they CANNOT modify themselves. That's why all of the string methods return a new string. It also means that, when you pass one two a function, a /copy/ of it is made and passed instead.

So, back to the original subject. Everything is a reference. When you do this:

|x = [1,2,3]
x = [4,5,6]

x now points to a different memory location. And, when you do this:

|x[0] =99000
x[0] =100

you're just changing the memory location that |x[0]| points to.

If anybody ever asks me why I prefer C++ to C, my answer will be simple: "It's 
becauseslejfp23(@#Q*(E*EIdc-SEGFAULT. Wait, I don't think that was nul-terminated."


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