On Thursday, February 13, 2014 6:18:26 AM UTC-7, weixixiao wrote:
> http://www.codecademy.com
> I have learned the basic rules of Python in this website.
> What should I do next?where to go?
> I download the Pycharm the free version and I think I  dunno how to use it 
> except a "Hello world"

...well use it some more!  Try 
print("hello world"*10) and then 
make a variable ...
x =99
if x = 99:
    print("hello world")
make a class  ...
class Hello:
    def __init__(self, word):
        self.word = word
    def returnme(self)
        return (self.word)

a = Hello("yo whazzup?")
b = Hello("Allo")
c = Hello("Guttentag")
make a list:
l = [ a , b , c]
make a for loop:
for i in l:

read the Python tutorial, lots of ways to get your feet wet!  I have PyCharm, 
Eclipse (with PyDev), and Idle, (all free) and I like them all.  CodeAcademy is 
a good idea too if you want an online course to get your started.

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