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________________________________________________________________________ ANNOUNCING PSF Python Marketing Brochure - Last call for Ad Sponsors Please support the PSF in providing the Python community with free high quality marketing material to promote Python ________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Over the last few years, the Python brochure team has worked on and created a high-quality brochure to help user groups, conferences and companies using Python to promote and spread the word about Python. The brochure will be printed in a first edition of 10,000 copies which the PSF will then distribute to user groups, Python conferences and educational institutions on request and free of charge. With the Python brochure, we hope to reach out to an audience which is not easy to address and convince using electronic and mostly developer oriented media. ________________________________________________________________________ PREVIEW Please take a look at our preview PDF version of the brochure to see for yourself: http://brochure.getpython.info/preview.pdf ________________________________________________________________________ SEEKING YOUR HELP The team set out to create and print the brochure without introducing extra costs for the PSF. Our aim is to fully finance the brochure production, printing and shipment to interested parties using money from sponsors. To make this happen, we are seeking your help ! => We have already signed up sponsors for 6 half page ads, but still need another *5 half page ad sponsors* to sign up. => There are also *6 smaller reference entry sponsorships* left to be sold. If you are affiliated with or know a company investing into Python and looking for ways to reach out to a large audience of interested Python users, students, developers - and people in key decision making positions, please reach out to us and help make the project a success. The deadline for ad and reference entry signups is *Feb 28* - in just under three weeks. You can find all the details about the available sponsorship options on this page: http://brochure.getpython.info/sponsorship Orders can be placed directly with the production company, Evenios Publishing on the website. All sponsors will receive a box of about 120 free copies of the brochure as Thank You gift. ________________________________________________________________________ ORDERING EXTRA COPIES Companies who are interested in receiving extra copies can pre-order additional boxes which will then be printed in addition to the initial 10.000 copy batch: http://brochure.getpython.info/mediadata/subscription-order-procedure It is also possible to donate such extra boxes to educational institutions: http://brochure.getpython.info/mediadata/education-sponsorship If you have special requirements, please contact the team at broch...@getpython.info for more information. We're very flexible in addressing your needs. ________________________________________________________________________ MORE INFORMATION More information on the brochure, the idea behind it, media data and ordering links are available on our project page: http://brochure.getpython.info/ Thanks for your help, -- Marc-Andre Lemburg Director Python Software Foundation http://www.python.org/psf/ -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list