On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 1:44:28 AM UTC+2, geni...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi
> can anyone help finding the angle to draw different polygons shapes
> in this example 
> import turtle 
> wm = turtle.Screen()
> alex = turtle.Turtle()
> for i in range(5):
>     alex.left(216)
>      alex.forward(50)
> wm.exitonclick() 
> Why do we use 216

because of every for every turn we need to make angle between edges 
equal to 36. If you will have a look to pentagon definition:
inner angle is equal to 108. from that you can easily calculate 
the angle between edges of star. 
there is no difference between these 2: 


change left() to right() and see.


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