Hello John,

John Abel wrote:
> harold fellermann wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >
> >
> >>I have a list of variables, which I am iterating over.  I need to set
> >>the value of each variable.  My code looks like:
> >>
> >>varList = [ varOne, varTwo, varThree, varFour ]
> >>
> >>for indivVar in varList:
> >>    indivVar = returnVarFromFunction()
> >>
> >>However, none of the variables in the list are being set.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >You only change the value of the local variable in the body
> >of the for loop. it has no effect on the list. you could do e.g.
> >
> >varList = [vorOne,varTwo,varThree,varFour]
> >for i in len(varList) :
> >     varList[i] = returnVarFromFunction()
> >
> >However, as in this example the former list values are not used anyway,
> >you could just write:
> >
> >varList = [ returnVarFromFunction for i varList ]
> >
> >
> >cheers,
> >
> >- harold -
> >
> >--
> >Tages Arbeit, abends Gäste,
> >saure Wochen, frohe Feste!
> >-- Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe
> >
> >
> >
> The problem I have, is the variables are referenced elsewhere.  They
> have been declared before being used in the list.  Basically, I'm after
> the Python way of using deferencing.

The problem you have is that you don't understand the way that Python
references objects.

All Python names (aka variables) are references. You can rebind a name
to *any* object, but you can only change *some* objects. These are
called the mutable datatypes. The ones you can't changed are called
immutable types.

This is a common Python gotcha - but it's an integral part of the way
Python works - not a wart.

Your problem (I think) is that you have something like :

myVar = 'hello'
another_name = myVar
another_name = 'goodbye'
print myVar

but you expected 'goodbye'.

What you have done in the first line is created a new - a string with
the contents 'hello' - and bound the name

In the second line you bind another name to the *same* object. (You
*don't* bind the second name to the first name, but to the object it

In the third line you create a new object and *rebind* the second name.
You haven't chanegd the underlying object. In Python the string is
immutable. This means it's hashable and can be used as a dictionary

If you want to maintain a reference to a *location* then use a mutable
datatype. Instead of a list use a dictionary, keyed by name (as one

e.g. a_dict = {'name1': object1, 'name2': object2}

Even if you change the contents of the dictionaries, the names will
still point to what you expect. (And you can still iterate over a

Before you get much further in Python you'll need a clearer
understanding of the difference between it's objects and names.

Best Regards,


> J


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