Charlie Winn <> wrote:
> excuse me but don't be so ******* rude , i did run this program and it did 
> run correctly and if you want me to prove it with screenshots so be it , so 
> don't make accusations ** Gary ** i only came here for some help not to be 
> accused of not even running my program

Hi Charlie,

I don't think anybody doubts that you ran your program.  More likely, 
the code that you ran simply isn't the code that you posted.  When 
posting code, it's best to copy-paste the exact code you ran.

You posted this:

> > > def Addition():
> > >      print('Addition: What are two your numbers?')
> > >      1 = float(input('First Number:'))
> > >      2 = float(input('Second Number:'))
> > >      print('Your Final Result is:', 1 + 2)

That code could not have been what you ran, because it's not runnable.  
It's a syntax error (in both Python 2 and 3).

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